Tantric massage is a practice that has been around for more than 5,000 years. It is a slow form of massage that increases intimacy and creates a powerful mind-body connection that leads to intense orgasms. The orgasm and the feeling of excitement last much longer during a tantric therapy than it does during conventional sex. Of course, London Party Girls’ elite escorts are always willing to get down and dirty with their clients, but generally, very few clients request sex after the transcendental and spiritual experience of receiving a tantric massage.
The tantric massage does not have a beginning or an end. The excitement and relaxation are built up slow and steady. There are no rushed movements and our girls experienced in this art form take their time to pamper clients. So, if you are getting a tantric massage from one of our girls, you can expect the process to be extremely relaxed. You will not be rushed. As the session progresses, you will feel a deep connection with your chosen escort, which will make the whole experience feel intimate.
Whilst you are being rubbed, kneaded and caressed, you can hold her for emotional support. As she gradually excites your senses and stimulates your erogenous areas, you will be filled with an overwhelming feeling. This feeling will only be relieved after you ejaculate. Through ejaculation, you are releasing your stress, anxieties and sexual tension. Also, our girls will not have any qualms giving you a tantric massage naked if that will make you feel more comfortable.
If you are looking forward to spending sexy time with our girls, but you are also too tired after a hectic day at work, our girls can incorporate tantric massage into the session as foreplay. So, the massage can relax your muscles and rejuvenate you so that you can perform like a beast in bed.
So, have you ever immersed yourself in a tantric massage? If not, turn to London Party Girls and book a session of tantric massage in Knightsbridge or anywhere in London. Our sexy temptresses are eager for both incall and outcall sessions, and they will blow your mind with their skills. You need not worry about your privacy as our bevvy of seductresses is discreet and thorough professionals. Just tell us your needs and we will arrange the perfect evening for you. Peruse our gallery and get in touch.