If you are looking for a Nuru massage in London or a Tantric massage in London, then look no further than London Party Girl. We have stunning and beautiful girls who understand exactly how to provide a Nuru massage and Tantric massage that will bring you to the height of sexual arousal and satisfaction.
For those who are not familiar with the techniques involved, Tantric massage evolved in Germany in the late 1970’s and is a form of erotic massage which pays attention to the erogenous zones of the mouth, penis, vagina, and anus. Involving considerable light stroking by the fingertips, a Tantric massage in London takes the receiver on a journey that arouses and explores sexual feelings, senses, and emotions.
According to the Tantric Massage Association of Berlin, a Tantric massage is based on the ideas and work of Carl Jung, Wilhelm Reich, Carl Rogers, and Alexander Lowen. Our girls at London Party girl are experts, and Tantric massage and will take you on a journey that explores your deepest emotions and sexual fantasies.
Nuru Massage
Nuru massage is a technique that was developed in Kawasaki in Japan and involves the masseuse and the client both stripping naked. Both bodies are covered in a slippery oil which is obtained from the leaves of a seaweed plant. It is odourless and tasteless. The word “nuru” is from the Japanese meaning “slippery” or “smooth”.
The masseuse will then rub her body against the client’s body trying to get the widest possible physical contact. Often, the masseuse will use her whole body on the client being treated which triggers strong tactile sensations which will relieve stress. The masseuse may also sit on you and work on your head, neck, shoulders, face, and arms while she is doing so.
While the nuru massage is not technically a sexual act, it is always possible that it will finish with some kind of sexual contact depending on what the parties involved desire.
Both nuru massage and tantric massage are available at London Party Girl. Of course, not all of our gorgeous girls are trained in tantric and nuru massages, but there is still a choice of beautiful girls who specialise in these. These massages will take you to a whole new level of bodily pleasure and our girls will work on you so that you achieve the heights of pleasure and relaxation.